Online ISSN : 1884-8265
Print ISSN : 0912-7348
ISSN-L : 0912-7348
平山 克也高山 知司安田 誠宏平石 哲也
ジャーナル フリー

2007 年 23 巻 p. 171-176


It was reported in the model experiments conducted by Yasuda et al. that the Indian Ocean tsunami penetrating the Andaman Sea coast was deformed and dispersed to soliton waves by the characteristics of the coastal cross section. In this paper, the numerical simulations using a Boussinesq type wave transformation model are conducted to reproduce the tsunami deformation, breaking and runup of dispersive soliton waves or pressure on the sea wall measured in their model experiments. The nonlinearity and dispersion of Boussinesq equation can estimate the generation and the development of dispersive soliton waves. The vertical gradient of pressure as the breaker index for wind waves is also available for solitons. The pressure equation given with Boussinesq approximation can evaluate the impulsive wave force on the vertical wall caused by breaking and runup of solitons.

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