On optimizing scalability and availability of cloud based software services using scale rate limiting algorithm

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Tirupati, JNTUA University, Ananthapuramu, India

2 Department of Computer Science and Engineerig, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Tirupati, India

3 Department of CSE, JNTUA College of Engineering , JNTUA University Anantapuramu, India


In this paper, the scale rate-limiting algorithmic approach namely the Token bucket algorithm is utilized to optimize the performance of cloud based software services. In distributed applications, higher availability and scalability have long been a critical challenge. In cloud computing, offering highly accessible services is critical for retaining client satisfaction, confidence and avoiding revenue losses. The gateway Zuul is considered as the entryway to various services in the Spring Cloud based software service must perform the rate-limiting process and make sure the service's reliability in the event of excessive scalability. The token bucket rate-limiting technique cannot ensure core service availability. To address this issue, this study developed an overload protection technique depending on a URI configuration file in conjunction with the Zuul gateway that may filter requests before obtaining tokens. The token bucket rate-limiting algorithm is implemented the traffic limitation function and ensured the cloud platform service's reliability and availability. The estimation of scalability, as well as availability, demonstrates the level of service supplied to consumers in response to their requests. The elasticity measures are used to assess the cloud based software services performance in terms of scalability. In the future, cloud computing improvements and expansion might increase cloud-based software services.


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Volume 13, Issue 2
July 2022
Pages 1893-1905
  • Receive Date: 15 January 2022
  • Revise Date: 01 March 2022
  • Accept Date: 27 March 2022