Optimizing the Gutman Index: A Study of minimum Values Under Transformations of Graphs

Document Type : Original paper


1 Department of Mathematics, College of Sciences, University of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE

2 Mathematical Sciences Department, College of Science, United Arab Emirates University, UAE.


The extremal Gutman index is a concept that studies the maximum or minimum value of the Gutman index for a particular class of graphs. This research area is concerned with finding the graphs that have the lowest possible Gutman index within a set of graphs that have been transformed in some way, such as by adding or removing edges or vertices. By understanding the graphs that have the lowest possible Gutman index, researchers can better understand the fundamental principles of graph stability and the role that different graph transformations play in affecting the overall stability of a graph. The research in this area is ongoing and continues to expand as new techniques and algorithms are developed. The findings from this research have the potential to have a significant impact on a wide range of fields and can lead to new and more effective ways of analyzing and understanding complex systems and relationships in a variety of applications. This paper focuses on the study of specific types of trees that are defined by fixed parameters and characterized based on their Gutman index. Specifically, we explore the structural properties of graphs that have the lowest Gutman index within these classes of trees. To achieve this, we utilize various graph transformations that either decrease or increase the Gutman index. By applying these transformations, we construct trees that satisfy the desired criteria.


Main Subjects

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