Management in telecommuting jobs: Review of literature and effective factors

Document Type : Review Article


Department of Business Management, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


The use of digital tools will bring numerous benefits to organizations, centers and institutions. Research on the perception of middle managers when implementing telecommuting programs has shown that changing culture is the most important obstacle. What is important about telecommuting development is the degree of employee job independence, managers' attitudes and flexibility in the hiring process, not the type of communication technology used. The experiences of countries that have implemented telecommuting systems show that telecommuting has increased the productivity of organizations by forty percent. This saves a lot of money and travel time for both telecommuters and organizations. Teleworking is effective. However, the growth rate of using this method of doing work among organizations is low and the expected expectations have not been met. Given the benefits of telecommuting, it is worth considering why the use of this method has not found its place among managers and employees as it should, and most employees and managers still follow the traditional structure. The importance of the subject of this article becomes clear when we know that the positive opinions of employees and managers regarding the implementation of telecommuting plan in relevant devices and also the correct implementation of telecommuting can play a very important role in the success of the plan and benefit the community such as Reduce urban traffic, reduce air pollution, reduce noise, reduce unemployment, etc. This is while the lack of cooperation of human resources with the implementation of this plan, can significantly reduce the positive effects of the implementation of these plans in the country. The present study shows that the effective factors of human resource processing include; There were structural factors, behavioral factors and contextual factors.


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