The AI Food Revolution: Reshaping Food Sciences through Artificial Intelligence

Document Type : Review paper


Department of IT Management, Faculty of Management, Payam-e Noor University, Iraq


Background and Aim: Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the food sciences, impacting various aspects of food production, processing, and consumption. This abstract aims to explore the broad implications of AI in the food industry, from sustainable agriculture to consumer experiences, while highlighting potential challenges and ethical considerations.
Method: The abstract discusses how AI is currently being applied in agriculture, food manufacturing, product development, and consumer decision-making. It also touches on the ethical concerns surrounding AI adoption in the food sector.
Results: AI technologies have the potential to improve crop management, enhance food quality, reduce waste, and provide personalized nutrition recommendations. These advancements can lead to increased productivity, sustainability, and customer satisfaction in the food industry. However, ethical challenges related to data privacy, algorithm biases, and environmental and labor impacts must be addressed.
Conclusion: The integration of AI into the food sciences offers significant advantages, from sustainable agriculture to personalized nutrition. To fully harness these benefits, the food industry must address ethical concerns and navigate the complexities of AI implementation.


Main Subjects

Volume 2, Issue 1
( Special Issue: Abstracts and papers from ICBMS23, Budapest, Hungary)
Pages 62-71
  • Receive Date: 20 May 2023
  • Revise Date: 25 May 2023
  • Accept Date: 05 June 2023