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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter April 29, 2020

Oxygen isotope fractionation between gypsum and its formation waters: Implications for past chemistry of the Kawah Ijen volcanic lake, Indonesia

  • Sri Budhi Utami ORCID logo EMAIL logo , Vincent J. van Hinsberg , Bassam Ghaleb and Arnold E. van Dijk
From the journal American Mineralogist


Gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O) provides an opportunity to obtain information from both the oxygen isotopic composition of the water and sulfate of its formation waters, where these components are commonly sourced from different reservoirs (e.g., meteoric vs. magmatic). Here, we present δ18O values for gypsum and parent spring waters fed by the Kawah Ijen crater lake in East Java, Indonesia, and from these natural samples derive gypsum-fluid oxygen isotope fractionation factors for water and sulfate group ions of 1.0027 ± 0.0003‰ and 0.999 ± 0.001‰, respectively. Applying these fractionation factors to a growth-zoned gypsum stalactite that records formation waters from 1980 to 2008 during a period of passive degassing, and gypsum cement extracted from the 1817 eruption tephra fall deposit, shows that these fluids were in water-sulfate oxygen isotopic equilibrium. However, the 1817 fluid was >5‰ lighter. This indicates that the 1817 pre-eruption lake was markedly different, and had either persisted for a much shorter duration or was more directly connected to the underlying magmatic-hydrothermal system. This exploratory study highlights the potential of gypsum to provide a historical record of both the δ18Owater and δ18Osulfate of its parental waters, and provides insights into the processes acting on volcanic crater lakes or any other environment that precipitates gypsum.


We thank William Mark and Richard Heemskerk (University of Waterloo) for their assistance with δ18O analyses of spring water and gypsum samples. We also thank Corentin Caudron, Maria Martínez-Cruz and the other participants of the Cities on Volcanoes 8 Wet Volcanoes workshop for discussion on the Kawah Ijen system.

  1. Funding

    We acknowledge funding from the McGill University Graduate Mobility Award, Mineralogical Association of Canada Travel Grant, and the Cities on Volcanoes 8 Travel Grant to S.B.U., the Canadian National Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), and le Fonds Québecois de la Récherche sur la Nature et les Technologies (FQRNT) to V.v.H. and B.G. We thank Dmitri Rouwet and an anonymous reviewer for the insightful comments that improved the manuscript.

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Received: 2019-09-24
Accepted: 2019-12-13
Published Online: 2020-04-29
Published in Print: 2020-05-26

© 2020 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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