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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter January 23, 2020

Partitioning of V and 19 other trace elements between rutile and silicate melt as a function of oxygen fugacity and melt composition: Implications for subduction zones

  • Megan Holycross EMAIL logo and Elizabeth Cottrell
From the journal American Mineralogist


Vanadium is a multivalent element that can speciate as V2+, V3+, V4+, and V5+ over a range of geologically relevant oxygen fugacities (fo2).The abundance of V in planetary materials can be exploited as a proxy for fo2when its partitioning behavior is known. The mineral rutile (TiO2) is an important carrier of the high field strength elements Nb and Ta in the solid Earth, but it can also incorporate substantial quantities of vanadium (up to ~2000 ppm; e.g., Zack et al. 2002). However, little work has been done to systematically investigate how the partitioning of V in rutile-bearing systems changes as a function of both fo2and composition. We measured the partitioning of V and 19 other trace elements (Sc, Cr, Y, Zr, Nb, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Dy, Ho, Er, Yb, Lu, Hf, and Ta) between rutile and three silicate melt compositions equilibrated at 1 atm pressure, 1300 °C and fo2values from two log units below the quartz-fayalite-magnetite oxygen buffer (QFM-2) to air (QFM+6.5). Rutile/melt partition coefficients (DVrt/melt)change dynamically over an eight-log unit range of fo2and are greatest at fo2=QFM-2in all compositions. Vanadium solubility in rutile declines continuously as fo2increases from QFM-2 and approaches unity in air. Trace-element partitioning between rutile and melt is also correlated with melt composition, with the greatest values of Drt/melt measured in the most polymerized melt systems containing the least TiO2. We do not find any circumstances where V becomes incompatible in rutile. Our results indicate that rutile is a considerable sink for V at terrestrial fo2values and will contribute to the retention of V in refractory slab residues in subduction zones. In agreement with previous work, we find that DTart/melt>DNbrt/meltunder all conditions investigated, suggesting that rutile fractionation does not lead to low Nb/Ta ratios in Earth’s continental crust.

Acknowledgments and Funding

We thank T. Gooding for his assistance with sample preparation and lab maintenance, R. Wardell for help on the Raman and T. Rose for his oversight of the analytical laboratories. Conversations with M. Ackerson helped shape our discussion of TiO2. We are grateful for editorial handling by K. Kiseeva and thorough reviews by P. Sossi, R. Arató, and anonymous reviewer, which improved the quality of this manuscript. This study was made possible by a Smithsonian Peter Buck Fellowship to M.H. and a gift from the Lyda Hill Foundation to E.C.

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Received: 2019-02-20
Accepted: 2019-10-01
Published Online: 2020-01-23
Published in Print: 2020-02-25

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