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The Effects of Time Perspective on Advertising Persuasion


The present research investigates the effects of time perspective on advertising persuasion. Previous research has suggested that time perspective(i.e., past-positive, past-negative, present-fatalistic, present-hedonistic, future) predicts our attitude, thinking, and behavior. By applying the ZTPI(Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory), this research investigates the interplay of time perspective and advertising message framing in determining advertising persuasion. The results show that participants with past-positive or future time perspective exhibit more positive attitude toward a promotion-focused(vs. prevention-focused) advertising message. In contrast, participants with past-negative or present-fatalistic time perspective show more favorable evaluations toward a prevention-focused(vs. promotion-focused) advertising messages. Participants with present-hedonistic exhibits no significant differences between promotion-focused and prevention-focused messages. The findings reveal that time perspective, in conjunction with regulatory focus, has a significant impact on advertising message effectiveness.

Time perspective, ZTPI, Regulatory focus theory, Advertising message framing



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