Konstruksi Atap Rumah yang Tanggap Terhadap Pasir Vulkanik pada Kawasan Wisata Gunung Agung di Bali

Dinar Sukma Pramesti, A.A Ketut Sri Candrawati


The area around Mount Agung needs a roof design that can give extra protection for the residents. The volcanic sand may cause serious danger and damage to the residents' houses since it brings a heavy load to the roof. It causes roof collapses and it dangers the residents' safety. This study was a Research and Development Research and Development by Borg and Gall with a mixed method. Roof testing was done by carrying out an FGD by inviting one expert to provide input on the quality of the product, for revising and reporting the results according to the improvements. Based on the study, it was found (1) the needs of the residents due to the roof design, (2) the suitable type of roof that is resistant to the volcanic sand, and (3) the suitable roof construction for the residents around Mount Agung. The results of the study are expected to contribute to the construction design of residents' houses around Mount Agung that can protect them from the volcanic sand. 


roof construction; volcanic sand; Mount Agung

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