Online ISSN : 2434-835X
Print ISSN : 0386-9598
久保 昌子
ジャーナル フリー

2017 年 58 巻 6 号 p. 361-372



 The purpose of this research is 1) to reveal, by school type, what roles are expected of Yogo teachers by their colleagues and supervisory personnel (role expectation), 2) to show how much Yogo teachers themselves think they are expected (role awareness), and 3) to illustrate the characteristics of role expectation and role awareness by making comparisons between the two groups.


 A 54-item questionnaire survey, asking for assessing “the degree of expectation for Yogo teacher's functions (role expectation),” was carried out with 761 teachers and supervisory personnel; 363 at elementary, 223 at junior high and 175 at high schools. Also, a survey of 55 Yogo teachers, consisting of 35 at elementary, 12 at junior high and 8 at high schools, was conducted asking them to evaluate “the degree to which they feel they are expected from their colleagues as for their functions (role awareness).” The number of valid answers obtained were 759.


 The factor analysis was conducted to arrange the contents of Yogo teacher's function. Four factors from Yogo teacher's jobs in general and 5 from team support were obtained. When compared in each school type, the average expectation values of the factor‘the judgment and the correspondence in the first aid’ from Yogo teacher's jobs in general and the factor‘the special support education and the support of counselling’ from team support were found to be the highest.

 When each factor was compared between different school types, it was found that, as a result of analysis of variance, the expectation scores on all the factors from Yogo teacher's jobs in general were higher at elementary schools than those were at high schools and junior high schools. As for team support, the expectation scores at elementary schools were higher on the factors ‘the special support education and the support of counselling’ and ‘the arrangement of case meetings’ than high schools and junior high schools, while the scores at junior high schools were lower than those at elementary schools and high schools on‘offering the expertise,’ ‘publicizing the counselling route’ and ‘sharing information with the school counsellor and parents.’ Specifically, the role expectation of chief teachers and supervisory personnel for Yogo teachers was higher in many factors than the role awareness Yogo teachers recognized.


 The survey and the results obtained have shown that the degree of role expectation varies greatly according to the school type, and that Yogo teachers’ role awareness is low, while their colleagues’ and supervisory personnel's role expectations are high.

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