Online ISSN : 2424-2314
Print ISSN : 0918-2489
河野 貴美子
ジャーナル フリー

1999 年 8 巻 2 号 p. 21-26


EEC changes have been experimentally studied on five Qigong trainees for two years. The measurements were carried out on three different methods of internal quiet Qigong performed in the standing condition, i. e. Ma-Bu Zhan-Zhuang-Gong, Bao-Qiu and Na-Qi-Gui-Yuan-Fa, at 3, 8, 12, 18 and 24 months after the first lesson. The effective α-amplitude of the occipital region, as an indicator of relaxation, became a little larger during Qigong than in the resting state at the beginning, though, the increasing rate became smaller after one year. The ratio of α-amplitude on the frontal region to the occipital region, which is usually large for Qigong masters, especially while performing Qigong, had a tendency to become larger during Qigong than in the resting state after the end of the first year. The phase difference between frontal and occipital a waves, which indicates the rate of concentration, tended to become shorter in the course of training. The α-frequency became gradually slower as the practice progressed. From these results it was considered that the subjects gradually become able to practice Qigong easier without superfluous thoughts.

© 1999 人体科学会
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