Online ISSN : 2424-2314
Print ISSN : 0918-2489
二重盲検法による気功の人体科学的計測 : (6)投影法による中国人気功師の人格力動
定方 昭夫山下 隆久
ジャーナル フリー

1993 年 2 巻 1 号 p. 129-134


The aim of our study is to investigate the personality dynamics of Chinese Qi-gong masters. To eliminate linguistic obstacles, we gave all three Chinese Qi-gong masters the projective techniques. They underwent a bettery of tests, namely the Szondi test and the Luscher Colour test. The results of the Szondi test suggested that their psychology had a strong affinity with the affect-drive impulse. Especially, the finding of an affinity for the P-vector is the same as that of Yamashita's study (1975), which used the esoteric Japanese Buddhist Szondi test. This drive may imply that we can see the mobility of the P-vector sphere in persons with ascetic self-discipline. The results of the Luscher Colour test suggested that two of the Qi-gong masters had a subconscious wish to influence people. We can not confirm whether this results from effect of the experimental conditions on their personality trait, but we think this finding is valuable in connection with the Chinese Qi-gong master's transmissio of Qi to the receicver, Further evaluations are required to explicitly define the personality dynamics of Chinese Qi-gong masters.

© 1993 人体科学会
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