Online ISSN : 2424-0583
Print ISSN : 0029-0610
遠藤 常嘉山本 定博本名 俊正高島 雅子飯村 康二ロペス ラウルベンソン マリオ
ジャーナル フリー

2000 年 71 巻 1 号 p. 18-26


This study was carried out in the middle of Baja California, where there is a great risk of salt accumulation due to weather conditions and little use of subterranean water for irrigation. Various properties of uncultivated and cultivated soils were investigated to clarify the behavior and distribution in the profile of salts by irrigation at three sites. The first site (Guerrero Negro) was managed under trickle irrigation for either one or four years. Although some spots in the area contained 3 dS m^<-1> in ECe (electrical conductivity of saturated extract) that was caused by CaSO_4, the average ECe was 1 dS m^<-1>. No evidence of a tendency for the accumulation of sodium in the profile was observed because of the sandy texture. Soil pH was remarkably high (above 8.5) due to changes in salt compositions as the result of irrigation. The second site (Vizcaino) was managed using furrow irrigation for a decade. The irrigated soil had some accumulation of sodium salt on the surface. This has been ascribed to the poor quality of the irrigation water. Although irrigation water with a high salt concentration was applied, there was a stable crop yield for a decade. This may have been possible because of the sandy soil texture through which salts were easily leached to lower layers. The third site (Jesus Maria) was managed using furrow irrigation for eleven years. The soil had mainly sodium salt accumulation on the surface (above 10 dS m^<-1> in ECe value). It sustained stable crop production for eleven years. These findings indicate that irrigation water quantities should be supplied in amounts and qualities just enough to meet crop requirements without exacerbating salt accumulation.

© 2000 一般社団法人日本土壌肥料学会
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