Online ISSN : 2423-9070
Print ISSN : 0493-3567
田島 恵児
ジャーナル フリー

1978 年 21 巻 1 号 p. 1-15


The purpose of this article is to analyze the funding policy executed by Alexander Hamilton, the first Secretary of Treasury of the United States. This article is a sequel of my previous article published in The Socio-Economic History, Vol.44, No. 1, in which the fact was made clear that the axis of Hamilton's economic policy should not be found in his industrial policy, but in his financial policy, especially his funding policy. In this article, then, I will try, first of all, to analyse the whole process of Hamilton's funding policy, using, mainly, the original sources such as The Papers of Alexander Hamilton and Annals of Congress. The conclusions of my analysis are following. First. Hamilton's funding policy was so rationally organized that the objective point of the policy was completely fulfilled. Secondly. A great amount of monetary fortunes was created in the hands of the public creditors, and the position of the new federal government was strengthened very much by their support. Thirdly. Consequently, Hamilton's funding policy had realized the formation of a strong national government, under the control of which the process of the original accumulation of American capitalism could proceed further. Lastly. The historical significance of Hamilton's economic policy should be found in the fact that his policy created a strong national state which was a crucial element of economic development of the United States, as a developing country, or in other words, the process of the original accumulation of American capitalism nessecitated Hamilton's economic policy.

© 1978 政治経済学・経済史学会
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