Online ISSN : 2423-8309
Print ISSN : 2423-8295
ISSN-L : 2423-8295

68 劣質炭のハイパーコール化によるコークス用原料炭としての評価(コークス品質,抽出物添加)
松平 寛司西端 裕子西村 勝奥山 憲幸重久 卓夫
会議録・要旨集 フリー

p. 134-135


Hyper-coal(HPC), which is an ash free coal, can be produced by thermal extractions with organic solvents and separation from the insoluble residue. We have made a study to use HPC as a coke making material. Solvent Refined Coal (SRC) is an upgraded coal by solvent extraction and hydrogenation. SRC was investigated as a coking material by many researchers about 20years ago. We have compared HPC with SRC as a coke making material. Softening temperatures measured with Gieseler-plastmeter are higher than that of SRC. H/C of HPC are almost lower than SRC.O/C of HPC are almost higher than SRC. We blended HPC up to the ratio of 5mass% with four kinds of coking coals. The blended coals were carbonized. HPC could improve DI when the size of HPC was less than 0.15mm.It was found that HPC made from low-grade coal could be used for coke making as well as coking coals.

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