Effect of Supply Chain Management Practices on the Firm Performance: A Study on Ethiopian Textile Manufacturing Industries


  • Worku Gadisa Wollega University
  • Zerihun Ayenew Jimma University
  • Tesfaye Eba Ambo University




Relationship marketing, Promotional strategy, Banking industry


This article contains research findings on how supply chain management practices affect firm performance. A causal analysis of the connection between the independent factors and the dependent variable was performed as part of the study using an explanatory research design. Relationships in the supply chain, responsiveness in the supply chain, supply chain integration (as an independent variable), and company performance were the specific areas of interest in the study. To determine how supply chain management techniques affect business performance, a linear multiple regression model was utilised in the study. The findings of the study disclosed that supply chain relationships, supply chain responsiveness, and supply chain integration-related factors have an impact on the firm performance of the textile manufacturing industry, respectively. Additionally, responsiveness is the most contemporary issue in improving organisational performance. Therefore, it is recommended that the company's managers and employees give an immediate response to the customer’s request.


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Author Biographies

Worku Gadisa, Wollega University

Research Scholar, Department of Management, Wollega University, Ethiopia

Zerihun Ayenew, Jimma University

Department of Management, Jimma University, Jimma, Ethiopia

Tesfaye Eba, Ambo University

Department of Management, Ambo University, Ethiopia


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How to Cite

Gadisa, W., Ayenew, Z., & Eba, T. (2022). Effect of Supply Chain Management Practices on the Firm Performance: A Study on Ethiopian Textile Manufacturing Industries. Journal of Science, Technology and Arts Research, 11(1), 36–45. https://doi.org/10.20372/star.v11i1.04



Original Research

