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Purpose. To study the clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment of epispadias in girls. Material and methods. 22 girls with epispadias of various forms were under supervision for 50 years. During diagnostics the following issues were used: anamnesis, examination, catheterization and uroflowmetry, cystoscopy of the bladder, ultrasound and X-ray examination. Results and discussion. Out of 22 girls with epispadias, clitoral epispadia (partial ) was in 10 patients; sub-symphisal (subtotal) - in 4; symphisal (total) - in 8 girls. In 10 girls with the clitoral form, urological examination was made because of changes in the urine. Girls with sub-symphisal epispadia complained of irritation and itching in the vulva. All had vulvitis, cystitis, chronic pyelonephritis. In 2 patients, renal doubling was diagnosed; in other 2 patients ureterohydronephrosis and kidney dystopia were diagnosed. Uroflowmetry revealed hyperactive bladder in all. 8 girls with the total (symphisial) form of epispadia and urinary incontinence were operated by the Derzhavin technique; after the surgery the function of bladder sphincter was restored and the patients could have a normal quality of life. Conclusion. Epispadia in girls is a rare case . There are clitoral, sub-symphisal and symphisal (total) forms of epispadias. Cluster and sub-symphisial forms do not require surgical treatment. While in the symphisial (total) form, plastic surgery on the bladder neck by the Derzhavin technique is recommended. It is a good option for recovery.

About the authors

A. E. Soloviev

Ryazan State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Email: beerzombie@rambler.ru
Russian Federation


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