Academic Resilience of Students Who are Bullied


Bullying in schools is a long-standing phenomenon throughout the world. This study aimed to understand the factors that cause a student to be bullied, the level of academic performance of students being bullied, and whether the level of academic performance relates to being bullied. Understanding the factors that lead to bullying can help in handling bullying cases in elementary schools. This study used correlational quantitative research methods to determine the relationship between variables and used descriptive analysis to determine the factors that result in bullying. Data were collected using a bullying behaviour questionnaire and an academic achievement scale. The research population was elementary school students in Grades 4 and 5 in five sub-districts of Semarang City who were selected through an accidental sampling technique. The leading reasons for bullying from the perspective of non-bullying victims were undesirable behaviours (31.58%), students who are usually bullied (12.28%), and students who have a smaller body (10.53%). The intensity of being a victim of bullying does not affect the level of student academic performance. Although certain students are often victims of bullying, these students still have high academic performace.

Keywords: academic performance; bullying; elementary school students

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