Future Brides’ and Grooms’ Understandings of the Terms Talak and Khulu’


It is a common thing that future brides and grooms have special preparation prior to their marriage. One of them is premarital education which aims to equip them with knowledge of what their rights and obligations are in order to maintain the longevity of their marriage. Among the knowledge that every future bride and groom must have is an understanding of the terms talak and khulu’’, so it is expected that the couple do not play around using those two terms. The study is intended to examine the views of prospective brides’ and groom’s registered in the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA) in Medan about the terms talak and khulu’. Specifically, this study aims to investigate whether they understand the literal and the accurate meanings of the terminology as

well as the consequences of the use of the terms talak and khulu’’. Using a descriptive qualitative method, it was found that there are still many future brides and grooms registered in KUA in Medan, who have not fundamentally understood the terms. it could be concluded from this finding that the understandings of future brides and grooms in Medan about the terms talak and khulu’’ are not sufficient, therefore, this study recommends that there is a need to add material about the two terms into pre-marital education conducted by KUA. In addition, it is also necessary to confirm the understanding of the future brides and grooms through a post-marital education examination.



Keywords: Bride, groom, khulu’, pre-marital education, talak

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