Utilization of High Acidity Non-Food Oils from Palm Oil Mill for Biofuel Applications


High Fatty Acids Crude Palm Oil (HFCPO) and Palm Sludge Oil (PSO) are the by-products from Palm Oil Mills. The price of HFCPO and PSO are sufficiently lower than the official price quotation of Crude Palm Oil (CPO). On the other hand, both byproducts are potential sources for biofuel applications. New patented technology that integrates extraction/esterification process from the high acidity non-food oils has been introduced. This technology is a proven technology that brings economic benefits for Palm Oil Mills that could utilize high acidity non-food oils.


Germani, M. (2009) Process for the Preparation of Biodiesel, European Patent, EP 1976960 B1.

Germani, M. (2013) Biodiesel Feedstock-Straight Vegetable Oil-FAME Integrated Plant, MMG Rev 2.

Development Alternatives, Inc. (2009) Background Study: Replicable and Sustainable Use of Palm Oil Waste By-products for Employment, Creation, Resource Conservation, and Biofuel Production in Aceh, USAID Environmental Services Program (ESP) Report, Contract No. 497-M-00-05-00005-00.

High Fatty Acids Crude Palm Oil and Palm Sludge Oil Specification, Available from http://www.stcresources.com.