From the Problems of the Third Language Acquisition Among Neophilology Students. Introductory Remarks

  • Dagmara Nowacka The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Humanities
Keywords: third language (L3); Ukrainian as foreign language; language acquisition; interlingual influence


The phenomenon of multilingualism and the related acquisition processes are present in philological academic teaching. Such processes have been observed among students of Polish origin studying Russian philology in the classess with practical learning of the Ukrainian language.

The article attempts to describe the determinants of the acquisition of another foreign language in academic conditions. The survey conducted among Russian philology students identified a number of individual and social factors inter alia, age, gender, age of the first contact with languages, contexts and ways of acquiring individual languages, attitudes toward each language or motivation, which may initially indicate trends and ways shaping these processes.

Aquisition of another foreign language, additionally closely related, causes the appearance of interlingual influence in the target language. The examples of influence were observed on the basis of selected language subsystems (phonetics, morphology, vocabulary).


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