Observed Risks of Client Safety by Social Care Professionals in Finland

Trend Analysis for 2016-2020





social care, risk, client safety, incident reporting system


To promote client safety, Finland’s Social Welfare Act requires social services employees to notify superiors of the observed risks in implementing clients’ social welfare. This study provides the first retrospective trend analysis of reports from a care reporting system (SPro-system) in Finland. Reports (n=1,433) were made by social work employees in the city of Helsinki in Finland, from October 2016 to December 2020. The statistical analysis focused on investigating trends in the reports. Most commonly reporters were practical nurses or other care workers (31.0%, n=444) or social advisors or other advisors of social work (23%, n=329). The total of observed risks or threats increased annually, except in 2019. The content of reports mainly related to a lack of realization of the status and rights of clients (32.5%, n=475) with the consequence for clients being moderate harm (28.3%, n=406). Information and discussion about client safety events (55.1%, n=860) were perceived as the most important ways to prevent the recurrence of such incidences. More empirical research is needed on client safety from the social work perspective. Risks in social care are diverse, but professionals’ observations may help to prevent them. Thus, reporting practices relating to client safety risks should be strongly encouraged, if not mandated.


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