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Hospitalidade e conflito: o problema do ‘reconhecimento’ no acolhimento de refugiados

Hospitalidade e conflito: o problema do ‘reconhecimento’ no acolhimento de refugiados

Gabriele De Angelis, “Hospitalidade e conflito: o problema do ‘reconhecimento’ no acolhimento de refugiados,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 79, no. 3 (2023): 1221–46,

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  • Hospitalidade e conflito: o problema do “reconhecimento” no acolhimento de refugiados

    Item Type Journal Article
    Author Gabriele De Angelis
    Abstract This article explores the philosophical complexities of asylum and refugee reception, critiquing both continental and analytical traditions while proposing a phenomenological method to bridge theory and praxis. It highlights the analytical tradition’s focus on formal rights and obligations, and contrasts this with insights from the continental tradition and Hannah Arendt’s experiential perspective on asylum. The paper advocates for a comprehensive theory of hospitality, aiming to reconcile formal rights with the lived experiences of refugees, ultimately striving for a balanced understanding and better facilitation of mutual recognition and integration.
    Date 2023
    Language Portuguese
    Rights © 2023 Aletheia - Associação Científica e Cultural
    Extra Hospitality and Conflict: The Problem of “Recognition” in Refugee Reception
    Volume 79
    Pages 1221-1246
    Publication Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
    DOI 10.17990/RPF/2023_79_3_1221
    Issue 3
    ISSN 0870-5283 ; 2183-461X
    Date Added 11/1/2023, 1:42:34 AM
    Modified 11/1/2023, 2:05:06 AM


    • asylum, hospitality, integration, phenomenology, refugee, theory and praxis.


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