Modelled distribution of sardine in the Bay of Biscay at seasonal and annual scales

The Delmoges project aims to generate new ecological and fisheries knowledge to reduce dolphin bycatch in the Bay of Biscay (GoG). This dataset presents maps produced by a hierarchical model of the seasonal and interannual distribution of dolphins' main prey, small pelagic fish. The model integrates 3 types of data: presence-absence and biomass of fish from scientific campaigns and presence of fish from fishing data. For the first time, the model has provided a quantitative description of the seasonal spatial dynamics of sardines and associated fisheries. The main sardine distribution areas were coastal, from the mouth of the Gironde to south-west Brittany. On average, sardines were distributed over a wider area in small aggregations in spring. They seemed to concentrate in their main distribution areas in summer, and to disperse offshore in autumn, but to a lesser extent than in spring. Fishing was concentrated in the sardine's main coastal distribution areas, and was more intense in summer, then autumn, and less intense in spring.


Fisheries and aquaculture


species distribution model, sardine


48.083299N, 43.042487S, -0.544692E, -5.554457W


Data sources and modelling approach are described in Hebert--Burggraeve Aurel (2023).


Model predictions for sardine in the Bay of Biscay, 2009-2022
107 Mo.RData formatProcessed data
How to cite
Hebert-Burggraeve Aurel, Doray Mathieu, Olmos Maxime, Authier Matthieu (2023). Modelled distribution of sardine in the Bay of Biscay at seasonal and annual scales. SEANOE.

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