Cellular Automata Intersection Model


  • Tim Peter Erich Vranken University of Duisburg-Essen, Physics of Transport and Traffic, Duisburg, Germany
  • Michael Schreckenberg University of Duisburg-Essen, Physics of Transport and Traffic, Duisburg, Germany




celular automata, urban traffic, vehicles, microscopic, models


This paper introduces a cellular automaton design of intersections and defines rules to model traffic flow through them, so that urban traffic can be simulated. The model is able to simulate an intersection of up to four streets crossing. Each street can have a variable number of lanes. Furthermore, each lane can serve multiple purposes at the same time, like allowing vehicles to keep going straight or turn left and/or right. The model also allows the simulation of intersections with or without traffic lights and slip lanes. A comparison to multiple empirical intersection traffic data shows that the model is able to realistically reproduce traffic flow through an intersection. In particular, car following times in free flow and the required time value for drivers that turn within the intersection or go straight through it are reproduced. At the same time, important empirical jam characteristics are retained.

Author Biography

Tim Peter Erich Vranken, University of Duisburg-Essen, Physics of Transport and Traffic, Duisburg, Germany

Work Group of Prof. Michael Schreckenberg: Physics of Traffic and Transportation


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How to Cite

Vranken, T. P. E., & Schreckenberg, M. (2020). Cellular Automata Intersection Model. Collective Dynamics, 5, 1–25. https://doi.org/10.17815/CD.2020.80



Special section on: "Traffic Flow: data, theory, model, solution"