IoT-Integrated System for Continuous Assessment of Elementary School Martial Arts Education with Automated Classifier

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Yazhou Song
Mohamad Nizam Mohamed Shapie


The IoT system would facilitate the continuous assessment of students' martial arts development by tracking their progress over time. The integration of Internet of Things (IoT) technology in elementary school martial arts education has the potential to revolutionize the learning experience and promote holistic development. This paper proposed an IoT-integrated system for the assessment of elementary school martial arts education. The proposed architecture incorporates an Automated Ranking Parallel Classifier (ARPC) model. The proposed ARPC system incorporates physical health monitoring and assessment, providing real-time data on students' physical activity, heart rate, and other relevant health metrics. The IoT system enables continuous monitoring of students' physical activity, allowing instructors to track their progress, level of engagement, and effort. the system monitors students' physical health parameters, such as heart rate, respiration rate, and sleep patterns, enabling early detection of health issues and supporting overall well-being. The ARPC model comprises the ranking of the features in the IoT data with parallel data processing. With ARPC the activities of the students are monitored and martial arts education in elementary schools is examined. Simulation analysis stated that the ARPC model achieves a higher classification accuracy of 99.73% compared with the conventional state-of-art techniques.

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How to Cite
Song, Y. ., & Mohamed Shapie, M. N. . (2023). IoT-Integrated System for Continuous Assessment of Elementary School Martial Arts Education with Automated Classifier. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(6), 319–329.


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