Solving (3+1) D- New Hirota Bilinear Equation Using Tanh Method and New Modification of Extended Tanh Method

Solving (3+1) D- New Hirota Bilinear Equation Using Tanh Method and New Modification of Extended Tanh Method


  • Zainab H. Kareem, Luma N. M. Tawfiq


Nonlinear PDEs; Hirote bilinear equation (HBE); Tanh method; Extended tanh method


In this article Tanh method is considered as effective approach to get solutions of some types of non-linear partial differential equations. Then we suggested new modification for extended Tanh method as highly effective approach to obtaining precise traveling wave solutions to these types of equations. Then using both methods, to solve the (3+1) D- new Hirote bilinear equation (NHBE) and then we compare between the results to illustrate the effectiveness of suggested modification. The interpretation of these solutions presented graphical to illustrate behaviors of the solutions gives us some popular shapes include solutions of type solitary wave, the singular wave, the kink wave, and the singular kink wave.


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How to Cite

Solving (3+1) D- New Hirota Bilinear Equation Using Tanh Method and New Modification of Extended Tanh Method. (2023). Advances in the Theory of Nonlinear Analysis and Its Application, 7(4), 114-122.