ISSN 2413-5372, Certificate of state re-registration of КВ №25381-15321 ПР dated 01.07.2023.



Archive of Issues


Pages: 182-191
Year: 2022
Location: Pravova Ednist Ltd


Annotation. This scientific article reveals the essence and features of such ways of ensuring the legality of the activities of the investigation units of the National Police of Ukraine as control and supervision. It is suggested that under the supervision of compliance with the legality of the activities of the investigation units of the National Police of Ukraine, one of the ways of ensuring legality in the activities of the investigation units, the function of the prosecutor’s office and, accordingly, a set of powers, actions and measures exercised by it to observe, detect and prevent cases of non-compliance with the law during conducting a pre-trial investigation in the form of procedural guidance of a pre-trial investigation. It was emphasized that an integral type of control today is public control, which involves the participation of public representatives recommended by the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, from among persons who have an impeccable reputation, high professional and moral qualities, public authority in the police commission, which were created to ensure transparent selection (competition) and promotion of police officers on the basis of an objective assessment of the professional level and personal qualities of each police officer, their suitability for their position, and determination of the prospects for employment in police bodies. This, in particular, ensures the implementation of public control over the activities of officials of the investigation units of the National Police of Ukraine at the stage of selection (competition) and promotion of police officers. It is also determined that members of the public can be involved in the joint consideration of complaints about actions or inaction, including those of investigators of the investigation units of the NPU and in the verification of information about the proper performance of their duties. Also, public control is manifested in the fact that the police interacts with the public through the preparation and implementation of joint projects, programs and activities to meet the needs of the population and improve the effectiveness of the police in performing the tasks assigned to it. Attention is focused on judicial control, which consists in the fact that in certain cases it is provided for the appeal of a legally defined list of decisions, actions or inactions of pre-trial investigation bodies or prosecutors during pre-trial investigation to the investigating judge of a local court, which ensures the proper functioning of judicial control as such The article emphasizes the special importance of the role of the prosecutor in matters of ensuring legality by means of prosecutorial supervision. Key words: control, supervision, judicial control, public control, departmental control. REFERENCES LIST OF LEGAL DOCUMENTS LEGISLATION
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