Exonymization of Polish and Polonized geographical names in 17th-century French (based on the memoirs of François Paulin Dalerac)
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proper names
Polish-French language contacts
language adaptation


This paper discusses the exonymization strategies applied to Polish and polonized geographical names in the French memoirs of François Paulin Dalerac. It is established that the author, in order to bring the exotic names closer to the French audience, on the one hand used a wide range of adaptation techniques (foreign quotations, graphical modifications, taking over names with the help of intermediary languages, reflexive loanwords, morphological and syntactic adaptation). On the other hand, he attempted to faithfully imitate the source forms (both at the level of pronunciation and spelling), using a variety of procedures which resulted in exophones and exographs (often placed in the margins or distinguished graphically) imitating source forms, important for the linguistic landscape of the areas described.

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