
Elisabeth Maikranz

Katrin Gülden Le Maire. Pannenberg, the Positioning of Academic Theology and Philosophy of Science: An Evaluation of his Work in the German Context

Jahrgang 10 () / Heft 1, S. 143-147 (5)
Publiziert 17.10.2023

Katrin Gülden Le Maire. Pannenberg, the Positioning of Academic Theology and Philosophy of Science. An Evaluation of his Work in the German Context. Contributions to Philosophical Theology Vol. 15. Berlin: Peter Lang, 2022. 282 pp.

Elisabeth Maikranz Geboren 1988; 2009–16 Studium der Ev. Theologie in Marburg, Heidelberg und Rom; 2016 Erstes Theologisches Examen; 2022 Promotion; Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin und Akademische Rätin auf Zeit am Ökumenischen Institut der Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg.

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Katrin Gülden Le Maire. Pannenberg, the Positioning of Academic Theology and Philosophy of Science. An Evaluation of his Work in the German Context. Contributions to Philosophical Theology Vol. 15. Berlin: Peter Lang, 2022. 282 pp.