CTO-SLAM: Contour Tracking for Object-Level Robust 4D SLAM


  • Xiaohan Li Institute of Advanced Technology, University of Science and Technology of China
  • Dong Liu Institute of Advanced Technology, University of Science and Technology of China
  • Jun Wu Fudan University




ROB: Localization, Mapping, and Navigation, ROB: State Estimation


The demand for 4D ( 3D+time ) SLAM system is increasingly urgent, especially for decision-making and scene understanding. However, most of the existing simultaneous localization and mapping ( SLAM ) systems primarily assume static environments. They fail to represent dynamic scenarios due to the challenge of establishing robust long-term spatiotemporal associations in dynamic object tracking. We address this limitation and propose CTO-SLAM, a monocular and RGB-D object-level 4D SLAM system to track moving objects and estimate their motion simultaneously. In this paper, we propose contour tracking, which introduces contour features to enhance the keypoint representation of dynamic objects and coupled with pixel tracking to achieve long-term robust object tracking. Based on contour tracking, we propose a novel sampling-based object pose initialization algorithm and the following adapted bundle adjustment ( BA ) optimization algorithm to estimate dynamic object poses with high accuracy. The CTO-SLAM system is verified on both KITTI and VKITTI datasets. The experimental results demonstrate that our system effectively addresses cumulative errors in long-term spatiotemporal association and hence obtains substantial improvements over the state-of-the-art systems. The source code is available at https://github.com/realXiaohan/CTO-SLAM.



How to Cite

Li, X., Liu, D., & Wu, J. (2024). CTO-SLAM: Contour Tracking for Object-Level Robust 4D SLAM. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 38(9), 10323-10331. https://doi.org/10.1609/aaai.v38i9.28899



Intelligent Robots (ROB)