Improving Robust Fariness via Balance Adversarial Training


  • Chunyu Sun SenseTime Research
  • Chenye Xu SenseTime Research
  • Chengyuan Yao SenseTime Research
  • Siyuan Liang Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Yichao Wu SenseTime Research
  • Ding Liang SenseTime Research
  • Xianglong Liu Zhongguancun Laboratory, Beijing, China; Institute of Dataspace, Hefei, Anhui, China; NLSDE, Beihang University, Beijing, China
  • Aishan Liu NLSDE, Beihang University, Beijing, China





Adversarial training (AT) methods are effective against adversarial attacks, yet they introduce severe disparity of accuracy and robustness between different classes, known as the robust fairness problem. Previously proposed Fair Robust Learning (FRL) adaptively reweights different classes to improve fairness. However, the performance of the better-performed classes decreases, leading to a strong performance drop. In this paper, we observed two unfair phenomena during adversarial training: different difficulties in generating adversarial examples from each class (source-class fairness) and disparate target class tendencies when generating adversarial examples (target-class fairness). From the observations, we propose Balance Adversarial Training (BAT) to address the robust fairness problem. Regarding source-class fairness, we adjust the attack strength and difficulties of each class to generate samples near the decision boundary for easier and fairer model learning; considering target-class fairness, by introducing a uniform distribution constraint, we encourage the adversarial example generation process for each class with a fair tendency. Extensive experiments conducted on multiple datasets (CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and ImageNette) demonstrate that our BAT can significantly outperform other baselines in mitigating the robust fairness problem (+5-10\% on the worst class accuracy)(Our codes can be found at




How to Cite

Sun, C., Xu, C., Yao, C., Liang, S., Wu, Y., Liang, D., Liu, X., & Liu, A. (2023). Improving Robust Fariness via Balance Adversarial Training. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 37(12), 15161-15169.



AAAI Special Track on Safe and Robust AI