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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Weber, Michael E; Tougiannidis, Nikolaos; Kleineder, Maja; Bertram, Nadja; Ricken, Werner; Rolf, Christian; Reinsch, Thomas; Antoniadis, Prodromos (2010): (Fig. 5) Color, magnetic susceptibility, and natural gamma measurements on section Vegora [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Weber, ME et al. (2010): Lacustrine sediments document millennial-scale climate variability in northern Greece prior to the onset of the northern hemisphere glaciation. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 291(3-4), 360-370,

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Latitude: 40.700000 * Longitude: 21.733300
Minimum SECTION, height: 0.00 m * Maximum SECTION, height: 46.15 m
Vegora_mine * Latitude: 40.700000 * Longitude: 21.733300 * Method/Device: Outcrop sample (OUTCROP)
19999 data points

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