Technology of producing granular fertilizers on an organic basis


  • Руслан Алексеевич Острога Sumy State University R.-Korsakova street 2, Sumy, Ukraine, 40007, Ukraine
  • Николай Петрович Юхименко Sumy State University 2 Rymskogo-Korsakova str., Sumy, Ukraine, 40007, Ukraine
  • Яков Эммануилович Михайловский Sumy State University 2 Rymskogo-Korsakova str., Sumy, Ukraine, 40007, Ukraine
  • Андрей Владимирович Литвиненко Sumy State University 2 Rymskogo-Korsakova str., Sumy, Ukraine, 40007, Ukraine



granulation, fluid bed apparatus, suspension, poultry manure, cavitator, temperature conditions


The possibility of producing granular fertilizers on an organic basis due to disposal of organic waste of poultry farms is proved. It is shown that such waste has a form of very liquid suspensions. Therefore, to minimize power consumption for their processing, granulation in the fluidized bed apparatus is the optimum technology of producing a granular product. Temperature conditions and operating parameters of organic suspension granulation process are experimentally determined. The existence of two operating modes of granulation, which allow producing both organic granules and mineral granules with an organic coating is shown.

Analytic dependences for determining the granules heating time and temperature by the value of the heat transfer coefficient included in the Biot number are obtained. They allow computing the temperature values of solids in a fluidized bed.

A flow diagram of the continuous installation to cover mineral fertilizer granules with organic matter is proposed. The resulting encapsulated product has a prolonged effect, i.e. nutrients, especially nitrogen enter the soil gradually over a long time.

Author Biographies

Руслан Алексеевич Острога, Sumy State University R.-Korsakova street 2, Sumy, Ukraine, 40007

Postgraduate student

Processes and Equipment of Chemical and Petroleum-Refineries Department

Николай Петрович Юхименко, Sumy State University 2 Rymskogo-Korsakova str., Sumy, Ukraine, 40007

PhD, associate professor

Processes and Equipment of Chemical and Petroleum-Refineries Department

Яков Эммануилович Михайловский, Sumy State University 2 Rymskogo-Korsakova str., Sumy, Ukraine, 40007

PhD, associate professor

Processes and Equipment of Chemical and Petroleum-Refineries Department

Андрей Владимирович Литвиненко, Sumy State University 2 Rymskogo-Korsakova str., Sumy, Ukraine, 40007


Processes and Equipment of Chemical and Petroleum-Refineries Department


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How to Cite

Острога, Р. А., Юхименко, Н. П., Михайловский, Я. Э., & Литвиненко, А. В. (2016). Technology of producing granular fertilizers on an organic basis. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(6(79), 19–26.



Technology organic and inorganic substances