Development of algorithm and computer program for measuring of yarn hairiness


  • Оксана Васильевна Закора Kherson National Technical University Berislavskoe of highway, 24, was Kherson, Ukraine, 73008, Ukraine
  • Галина Ивановна Липкова Kherson National Technical University Berislavskoe of highway, 24, was Kherson, Ukraine, 73008, Ukraine



Hairiness, yarn, computer program


Program «Poil» is developed for yarn hairiness research by means of a computer method. The program defines yarn hairiness indicators on five gradation of fiber lengths by processing of the scanned images of a yarn

Author Biographies

Оксана Васильевна Закора, Kherson National Technical University Berislavskoe of highway, 24, was Kherson, Ukraine, 73008

Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor

Department of examination, technology and design of textiles

Галина Ивановна Липкова, Kherson National Technical University Berislavskoe of highway, 24, was Kherson, Ukraine, 73008


Department of examination, technology and design of textiles


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  2. Липкова Г.І., Закора О.В., Рязанова О.Ю. Дослідження ворсистості змішаної пряжі, яка містить конопляний котонін // Вісник Хмельницького національного університету. – Хмільницький: ХНУ. – 2012.- № 1.– с. 78 – 81.



How to Cite

Закора, О. В., & Липкова, Г. И. (2012). Development of algorithm and computer program for measuring of yarn hairiness. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(10(56), 28–30.