Evidence-based teaching in Swedish compulsory schools for pupils with intellectual disabilities


  • Jörgen Frostlund University of Borås
  • Pia M Nordgren University of Borås




evidence-based teaching, compulsory schools, intellectual disabilities, professional development, special didactics, interaction, learning


Background: This study aims to identify the evidence-based teaching programs regarding communication and interaction that underpin Swedish compulsory schools for pupils with intellectual disabilities (ID).

Method: This quantitative census survey fills a gap in the existing research literature, in that all qualified teachers in the schools report on the use of evidence-based teaching programs regarding communication and interaction for pupils with ID.

Results: Only a small proportion of the teachers received any formal teacher training on evidence-based teaching programs or participated in any continuing professional development (CPD) on these programs. We also evidenced a teaching gap among Swedish special schools, as commonly used teaching programs differ within Swedish compulsory schools for pupils with ID. In addition, some commonly used teaching programs do not always promote interaction and learning for pupils.

Discussion/conclusion: The teaching profession is in need of scientific guidance, in order to create evidence-based teaching practice for pupils with ID, which should be a focus of future studies.

Author Biographies

  • Jörgen Frostlund, University of Borås

    Jörgen Frostlund is currently working as a researcher on educational work at the Department of Educational Work, University of Borås.

  • Pia M Nordgren, University of Borås

    Pia M. Nordgren is also currently working as a researcher on educational work at the Department of Educational Work, University of Borås.


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How to Cite

Frostlund, J., & Nordgren, P. M. (2022). Evidence-based teaching in Swedish compulsory schools for pupils with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders, 14(1), 154–188. https://doi.org/10.1558/jircd.23205