Identifying the Blue Pigments Used in Painted Architectural Decorations of Ilkhanid Buildings (1251–1335 AD) in Yazd, Central Iran


  • Adele Mohtasham University of Tehran
  • Kouros Samanian University of Arts



blue pigment, azurite, FTIR, PLM, XRF, wall painting, Ilkhanid period (1258-1335), Islamic Period, Iran

Author Biographies

  • Adele Mohtasham, University of Tehran

    Adele Mohtasham is a PhD student in Conservation and Restoration of CulturalHistorical Objects at the Art University of Tehran. She is interested in research in the fields of technology of Islamic architectural decoration, in particular wall painting, plaster ornament, and gilding.

  • Kouros Samanian, University of Arts

    Kouros Samanian obtained his PhD in 2009 in Museum Studies—Conservation Science at the School of Museum Studies of the University of Leicester, UK. He is currently Assistant Professor and Director of the MA program of Museum Studies and Conservation of Historical Objects at the University of Arts-Tehran. He is interested in shaping new trends in the field of museum studies and conservation science in Iran from object-centered to visitor-centered approaches. Samanian also serves as the head of the Iranian Association for Museums and Conservation of Historical Objects.


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How to Cite

Mohtasham, A., & Samanian, K. (2017). Identifying the Blue Pigments Used in Painted Architectural Decorations of Ilkhanid Buildings (1251–1335 AD) in Yazd, Central Iran. Journal of Islamic Archaeology, 4(1), 113-135.