Українська біографістика = Biographistica Ukrainica |
Моклиця М. В. - Феноменологія внутрішньої біографії: епістолярій Лесі Українки (2022)

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Moklytsya Mariia

Phenomenology of internal biography: Lesya’s Ukrainka epistolary

Section: Contexts of Lesya Ukrainka’s biographical world

Abstract: Purpose: to sharpen the issue of the lack of a scientific biography of Lesya Ukrainka with a sufficient amount of biographical materials; prove the necessity of introducing the concept of "internal biography". The research methodology: it is proposed to intensify psychoanalytic approach to the materials of the inner biography, which manifest itself in ego-documents, in the case of Lesya Ukrainka –in her rich and varied epistolary. Scientific novelty: is the concept of "internal biography"; it is proposed to reconcile the facts of life events with internal biography, which can be modeled on the basis of ego-documents, using psychoanalysis. It is proposed to use the method of Z. Freud, applied in the work "Thomas Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of the United States". Conclusions. Modern scientific biography can appear only as a result of the coordination of external and the inner life of its object and subject. Documents confirming the facts of the external biographies, should not dissonant with documents of another kind: epistolary, diary, memoirs, artistic texts of a biographical nature (all that can be defined as an ego-document), those texts that testify to the view of life events from within indicate an important fragment of the internal biography. An objective view of subjective materials is offered not only psychoanalytic methodology, but also linguistic and literary analysis. After all, the texts of the writer’s letters are an organic part of her artistic work, especially in the field of speech, author’s style. Therefore, a biographical narrative placed in the epistolary at a deeper level, subtext or supertext. In contrast to the autobiography, which is rationally adapted to the needs of the genre, epistolary reveals much deeper areas of inner life, mostly unconscious or emotionally intuitive. Also in the epistolary are widely represented introspection, self criticism, reflection on these or those events – all these are important fragments of the inner biography of Lesya Ukrainka.

Keywords: scientific biography, external biography, internal biography, autobiography, psychoanalysis, biographical narrative, ego-document.

Author(s) citation:

Moklytsya Mariia (2022). Phenomenology of internal biography: Lesya’s Ukrainka epistolary. Biographistica Ukrainica, (23) 262-277. (In Ukrainan).


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