Українська біографістика = Biographistica Ukrainica |
Філіппова Н. П. - Формування репозитарію персональних бібліографічних покажчиків у складі "Українського національного біографічного архіву": базові засади реалізації проекту (2020)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2020, Issue 20)Ukrainian English

Natalia Filippova

Formation of the Repository of personal bibliographical indexes as a part of the Ukrainian National Biographical Archive: Definition of the basic principles of project implementation

Abstract: The article defines the basic principles of creating a repository of personal bibliographical indexes in the structure of the "Ukrainian National Biographical Archive" (UNBA) as the optimal form of representation of biobibliographical data in the open access, providing information exchanges. It is shown that the advantage of the repository created on the basis of UNBA in comparison with the presentation of biobibliographies in catalogs and library collections is the possibility of concentrated presentation of materials in all various formats: both individual editions and placed in different sources – books, magazines, collectionsand electronical resources. The feasibility of using the Fedora software platformfor the repository is substantiated and its compliance with the functional tasks ofthe created repository is analyzed. It was emphasized that the organization of therepository will create conditions for wider involvement in the formation of the "Ukrainian National Biographical Archive" of scientists and specialists of scientific institutions, libraries and higher education institutions from all regions of Ukraine and abroad. Mentioned above is important for the consolidation of research efforts, the establishment of the functioning of the all-Ukrainian virtualbiographical research laboratory on the basis of the Institute of Biographical Re-search of the V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine. At the same time, thedeployment of a repository of personal biobibliographical indexes is an importantstep towards a closer entry into the world scientific and information space, theinternational system of repositories. Therefore, it obliges the creators of the elec-tronic archive to unconditionally comply with the rules set by the internationalscientific and information community, in particular the CoreTrustSeal documentsas the main center of methodological support, regulation of repositories activitiesand their certification.

Keywords: biobibliography, consolidated biobibliographical resources, "Ukrainian National Biographical Archive", information exchanges, repository of personal bibliographical indexes.

Author(s) citation:

Natalia Filippova (2020). Formation of the Repository of personal bibliographical indexes as a part of the Ukrainian National Biographical Archive: Definition of the basic principles of project implementation. Biographistica Ukrainica, (20) 339-352. (In Ukrainan).


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