Українська біографістика = Biographistica Ukrainica |
Стамбол І. І. - Політична біографія: сучасний вимір (2020)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2020, Issue 20)Ukrainian English

Ihor Stambol

Political biography: The modern dimension

Abstract: The article, based on world researches, analyzes the approaches to the conceptof "political biography" and clarifies the main issues of interest to scholars and authors to this issue. It has been found that Western democracies show the greatest interest to this genre, while more authoritarian societies, including most Slavoniccountries, do not improve their theory in this direction. Leadership in the theory of political biography belongs to researchers from Great Britain, the United Statesand Australia, where their own schools of political biography have been developing for several centuries. Western researchers clearly formulate the definition of this biographical direction, insist on its benefits and relevance, and they have created several manuals with theoretical and practical advice for those interested inpolitical biography. In addition to publishing practical researches on politics, as well as sources: memoirs and epistolary, in these countries, researchers are interested in the relation ship of modern traditions of political biographies with ancient sources, characterize the types of political biographies and genre features. A significant trend in theory is the elucidation of the relationship between political science, history and biographies of politicians, with most authors considering biography to be a very important complement to other areas of political studies. Another important aspect, in particular the autobiographical genre, researchers consider its practical application in politics, which demonstrates the experienceof the US presidential election. Evidence of the modernization and modernity of this genre of biography is its interdependence with literature, theater, televisionand, most importantly, with social networks. Today, there is no doubt that "digital storytelling" is a significant component of political biography, which is designedby the politician himself, and this phenomenon is almost identical to political autobiographies, which should also be used to write political biographies.

Keywords: political biography, politicians, memoirs, biography theory.

Author(s) citation:

Ihor Stambol (2020). Political biography: The modern dimension. Biographistica Ukrainica, (20) 211-227. (In Ukrainan).


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