Жам О. М - Бібліотеки світських і духовних навчальних закладів Переяславського повіту Полтавської губернії у другій половині ХІХ – на початку ХХ ст. (за матеріалами постанов і звітів Переяславських повітових земських зборів та Переяславської повітової земської управи), Висовень О. І., Капітан Л. І., 0001403642 0001403642 (2023)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2023, Issue 30)Ukrainian English

Zham Olena, Vysoven Oksana, Kapitan Larysa

Libraries of secular and theological educational institutions of Pereyaslav County, Poltava Governance in second half of 19th – beginning of 20th centuries (according to materials of resolutions and reports of the Zemstvo Assembly of Pereyaslav County and the Zemstvo Administration of Pereyaslav County)

Section: History of Book Collections and Gatherings

Abstract: The purpose of the study is to research comprehensively activities of the libraries of educational institutions of the Pereyaslav County of the Poltava Gover nance in the second half of the 19th – beginning of the 20th centuries, aimed at the development of public education and solving the problem of providing educational institutions with literature for study and extracurricular reading, which was one of the important aspects of school affairs on the basis of the analysis and theoretical generalization of the official documentation of the Pereyaslav Zemstvo. The me thodological basis of the work is a systematic approach, the principles of a critical and structural-systemic approach to the source base. The work uses historical comparative, chronological and concrete-historical methods in their totality, as well as special methods of source analysis of documents and materials. The scientific novelty of this work is defined by carrying out a complex scientific historical and library analysis of the activities of libraries at secular and theological educational institutions of the Pereyaslav County of the Poltava Governance in the second half of the 19th – beginning of the 20th centuries. Conclusions. The analysis of resolutions, reports and some reference publications made it possible to establish that a wide network of libraries at secular and theological educational institutions functioned in the second half of the 19th –beginning of the 20th centuries. The number of student libraries grew in tandem with the development of the educational system, and they were created on the basis of the existing network of educational institutions. It is proved that innovations in the library system were initiated by the Zemstvo bodies during the reporting period of history, as well as other quantitative and qualitative changes in the school system. Educational institutions’ libraries were the most common ones compared to other types of libraries in the cultural and educational space of the region. Despite a number of disadvantages (inadequate funding, insufficient book fonds, limited with a catalog of permitted literature, organizational problems) libraries became a significant social and cultural phenomenon of public life in the county, and their activities had a positive effect on raising the educational and cultural level of the population.

Keywords: Pereyaslav, Zemstvo Assembly of Pereyaslav County, library activity, library network, student libraries, book fond, equipment, cultural and educational potential.

Author(s) citation:

Zham Olena (2023). Libraries of secular and theological educational institutions of Pereyaslav County, Poltava Governance in second half of 19th – beginning of 20th centuries (according to materials of resolutions and reports of the Zemstvo Assembly of Pereyaslav County and the Zemstvo Administration of Pereyaslav County). Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (30) 97-132. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/rksu.30.097


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