Лукашевич О. М. - Особовий архів М. І. Жама та його роль у дослідженні історії становлення Музею народної архітектури та побуту Середньої Наддніпрянщини), Гайдаєнко І. В., Жам О. М. (2022)

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Lukashevych Oleksii, Haidaienko Ihor, Zham Olena

Personal archive of M. I. Zham and his role in study of history of Museum of Folk Architecture and Life of Middle Dnieper

Section: Studies of Archival and Book Fonds

Abstract: The aim of the paper – to investigate the structure, content and composition of the personal archival fond M. I. Zham (1931–2002) – the first head of the Museum of Folk Architecture and Life of the Middle Dnieper region in Pereyaslav, Kyiv region, which is stored in the fonds of the National Historical and Ethnographic Reserve "Pereyaslav" and the daughter of O. M. Zham, to cover the history of receipt, to reveal the principles and features of systematization of archive materials. The research methodology is based on the principles of scientificity, systematization. Historical-comparative, chronological and statistical methods of structural analysis were used, the use of which allowed to systematize source information, determine the species composition of archive materials, their information potential, as well as establish links between individual documents included in the complex, restore the integrity of individual documents and their parts. Scientific novelty. The outlined scientific problem arises for the first time. The study involves the introduction into scientific circulation of manuscripts, documents, photographs that contain information about the formation and development of the Pereyaslav open-air museum in the 60–80's of the 20th century. The research allowed to highlight the peculiarities of the composition of this personal archive, to highlight little-known aspects in the functioning of the open-air museum, which supplemented the scientific achievements of the problem with new archival materials. Conclusions. Elaboration of personal archival fund M. I. Zham allowed to analyze the composition and content of materials related to the creation and operation of the Pereyaslav open-air museum. The main structural groups of documents are highlighted. It was found out that the main activities of the museum, which were reflected in the materials of the archive, were expeditionary, monument protection, exposition. Information contained in the personal archive of M. I. Zham, is important for deepening further research into the history of the Museum of Folk Architecture and Life of the Middle Dnieper.

Keywords: M. I. Zham, scansen, archival fond, documents of personal origin, structure, content, history of Pereyaslav scansen.

Author(s) citation:

Lukashevych Oleksii (2022). Personal archive of M. I. Zham and his role in study of history of Museum of Folk Architecture and Life of Middle Dnieper. Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (28) 100-115. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/rksu.28.100


  1. Lyst M. T. Rylskoho do dyrektora Pereyaslav-Khmelnytskoho derzhavnoho istorychnoho muzeiu M. I. Sikorskoho [The letter of M.T. Rylskyi to the director of the Pereyaslav-Khmelnytskyi State Historical Museum named after M.I. Sikorskyi], No. 133/503, June 18, 1964. National Historical and Ethnographic reserve “Pereyaslav”. Fonds. [In Ukrainian].
  2. Lyst A. P. Savchuka do M. I. Zhama vid 6.10.1968 r. [The letter of A. P. Savchuk to M. I. Zham, dated October 6, 1968] // O. M. Zham Archive. [In Ukrainian].