2017 (4) 5


Determination of optimal technological parameters by processing of press-powders of aromatic polyamides in products


О.S. Каbаt, V.I. Sytar, K.M. Sukhyy


Ukrainian state university of chemical technologies

8, Gagarina ave., Dnipro-City, 49005, Ukraine, e-mail: Amber_UDHTU@i.ua


Polym. J., 2017, 39, № 4: 248-252.


Section: Structure and properties.


Language: Ukrainian.



Optimal technological parameters by processing of press-powders of phenilon C1 and C2 in products were developed. Influences of this parameter on rate of property of obtained products were studied. Pressures in press tool in process of obtaining solid briquette were determined. The drying temperature and persistence time were determined by the isothermal thermogravimetric analysis. It had been determined that persistence time depend on material, shape and dimensions of briquette. Optimal processing temperatures and formation pleasures of phenilon C1 and C2 were determined by the investigation of their physical-mechanical properties.


Keywords: molding powder, phenilon C1 and C2, preform, processing in products, physical-mechanical properties.



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