Медведєва В. - Особливості процесу соціалізації особистості в умовах інформаційного суспільства (2016)

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Medvedeva Valentyna

Features of the Process of Socialization in Conditions Information Society

Abstract: Study and analysis of changes in the process of socialization in modern information space in recent period gets special urgency. Socialization is determined by the nature of society, its characteristics and needs. Criteria and rules of human life and the conditions of creative self transform with changes in society. In this regard, the study of changes that characterize the process of socialization, identification of specific factors, conditions and social contradictions that define the specificity of personality as a member of society becomes particularly urgent. In terms of social work, socialization is regarded as mutually influenced process of enriching social experience and development of human relations in modern society, where it acts as a social, self-sufficient, individualized organism. The result of socia-lization is accepting of values, norms, behavior patterns proposed by society in which a person develops. With the acceleration of globalization and the information society conditions that affect the quality, nature, components socialization, rapidly change. Process and result of assimilation and reproduction of individual experience accumulated by mankind to work with data of any type and form could be regarded as a kind of socialization, what is called – information socialization. Traditional bibliographic, reader, computer socialization and culture of any sign systems perception could be added. Library as a social institution can and should become coordinating and stimulating link in the chain of information socialization. Today the problem of socialization of information becomes more important, especially for children and elder persons − the most vulnerable categories in terms of adaptation to the modern information environment. In turn, this applies to library facilities that have become resource centers of information in solving problems of socialization.

Keywords: socialization, modern information space mediasotsializatsiya, the media sphere, information socialization, social networks, library institution information function, information society.

Author(s) citation:

Medvedeva Valentyna (2016). Features of the Process of Socialization in Conditions Information Society. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (43) 584-595. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.43.584


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