Vol. 6 (2003): Assur y su entorno. En homenaje a los primeros arqueólogos de Assur
2. La historia y la sociedad

New sources for Sennacherib's first campaign

Publicado febrero 19, 2016

Palabras clave:

Sennacherib, Assyrian royal inscriptions, Chaldaeans, Aramaeans, authorship
Cómo citar
Frahm, E. (2016). New sources for Sennacherib’s first campaign. ISIMU, 6, 129–164. https://doi.org/10.15366/isimu2003.6.008


The article presents an edition, based on manuscripts from Nineveh, Ashur, and Tarbisu, of Sennacherib's earliest accounts of its first campaign, waged against Marduk-aplu-iddina and his southern Babylonian allies in 704-702 BCE. It provides an overview of the Aramean tribes and Chaldean towns attacked by the Assyrian troops, and a discussion of many have been the author of the inscriptions hat celebrate the campaign.



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