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Publicly Available Published by De Gruyter Oldenbourg September 25, 2009

Industrieunternehmen, Strukturwandel und Rezession. Die Krise des Flick-Konzerns in den siebziger Jahren

  • Kim Christian Priemel


Das Ende des Flick-Konzerns steht meist im Zeichen des großen Bestechungsskandals, der in den achtziger Jahren die Gemüter bewegte. Kim Priemel, Autor einer großen Flick-Geschichte, begnügt sich nicht mit diesem Kurzschluss. Der Niedergang von Flick begann lange vor dem großen Skandal. Er hatte seine Wurzeln in den komplizierten Besitzverhältnissen, vor allem aber in der Konzeptlosigkeit der Konzernspitze, die es nicht verstand, den Erfolg der Wirtschaftswunderjahre nach dem Boom zu wiederholen. Der Versuch, ein großes Aktienpaket zu verkaufen und den Gewinn steuerfrei zu reinvestieren, war so eher ein Akt der Hilflosigkeit als Ausdruck weitsichtigen unternehmerischen Denkens.


The dissolution of the Flick concern in 1985 was generally considered proof of the end of the family company and was interpreted as a classical case of failed entrepreneurial succession. Nevertheless there were many reasons for the failure of Germany′s until then foremost family concern. In Flick′s case, the combination of mutually intersecting problems was basically representative of the challenges and difficulties as well as shortfalls and mistakes facing West German industry during the 1970s and 1980s. They included misguided investment policies, lags in modernisation and rationalisation as well as a reluctance regarding outside capital. Also internal deficits regarding company structure and communication led to a lack of ideas at the top, which in times of crisis traditionally sought aid from the state. This practice lead to the Flick political contributions affair of the 1980s and aggravated the crisis of the concern. Flick′s case shows the extent to which corporate managements misconceived or underesti-mated structural change and so contributed to the crisis themselves. Further it illustrates some fundamental problems of family-run organisations in general as well as changes in public perception regarding the relationship between politics and private enterprise in the late Bonn Republic.

Published Online: 2009-09-25
Published in Print: 2009-01-15

© by Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, München, Germany

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