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BY-NC-ND 3.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter June 2, 2014

Hydrogen Bonds in Crystalline Imidazoles Studied by 15N NMR and ab initio MO Calculations

  • Takahiro Ueda , Shigenori Nagatomo , Hirotsugu Masui , Nobuo Nakamura and Shigenobu Hayashi


Intermolecular hydrogen bonds of the type N-H...N in crystals of imidazole and its 4-substituted and 4,5-disubstituted derivatives were studied by 15N CP/MAS NMR and an ab initio molecular orbital (MO) calculation. In the 15N CP/MAS NMR spectrum of each of the imidazole derivatives, two peaks due to the two different functional groups, >NH and =N-, were observed. The value of the 15N isotropic chemical shift for each nitrogen atom depends on both the length of the intermolecular hydrogen bond and the kind of the substituent or substituents. It was found that the difference between the experimen-tal chemical shifts of >NH and =N-varies predominantly with the hydrogen bond length but does not show any systematic dependence on the kind of substituent. The ab initio MO calculations suggest that the hydrogen bond formation influences the 15N isotropic chemical shift predominantly, and that the difference between the 15N isotropic chemical shift of >NH and =N-varies linearly with the hydrogen bond length.

Received: 1999-3-31
Published Online: 2014-6-2
Published in Print: 1999-7-1

© 1946 – 2014: Verlag der Zeitschrift für Naturforschung

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