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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter Mouton October 13, 2012

Pragmatic demands on the form of grammar: Theoretical and methodological limitations on the grammatical code

  • Daniel Wedgwood, EMAIL logo
From the journal The Linguistic Review


The nature of pragmatics is not generally thought to have significant implications for the form of models of grammar, even among pragmaticians. But post-Gricean cognitive pragmatic frameworks such as Relevance Theory implicitly make demands on the grammatical ‘code’ – and on how we investigate it – that cannot be accommodated within conventional approaches to grammar. Ultimately, this gives us cause to reconceptualise grammar entirely, to accommodate the dynamism that is inherent to inferential pragmatics. This amounts to a conceptual argument for the adoption of a model of grammar of the type of Dynamic Syntax.

Independent researcher

Published Online: 2012-10-13
Published in Print: 2012-10-26

©[2012] by Walter de Gruyter Berlin Boston

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