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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter October 27, 2023

Existence and uniqueness for reflected BSDE with multivariate point process and right upper semicontinuous obstacle

  • Brahim Baadi ORCID logo EMAIL logo and Mohamed Marzougue


In a noise driven by a multivariate point process μ with predictable compensator ν, we prove existence and uniqueness of the reflected backward stochastic differential equation’s solution with a lower obstacle ( ξ t ) t [ 0 , T ] which is assumed to be a right upper-semicontinuous, but not necessarily right-continuous process, and a Lipschitz driver f. The result is established by using the Mertens decomposition of optional strong (but not necessarily right continuous) super-martingales, an appropriate generalization of Itô’s formula due to Gal’chouk and Lenglart and some tools from optimal stopping theory. A comparison theorem for this type of equations is given.

MSC 2020: 60H20; 60H30; 65C30

Communicated by Vyacheslav L. Girko

A Appendix

We start this section with the following observation, which can be found in [15, Remark A.14].

Proposition A.1.

Let Y be a càdlàg process. Then sup t [ 0 , T ] Y t is a random variable and we have

sup t [ 0 , T ] Y t = ess sup t [ 0 , T ] Y t = ess sup τ 𝒯 0 , T Y t .

The following definition can be found in [6, Appendix 1].

Definition A.2.

Let ( Y ) t [ 0 , T ] be an optional process. We say that Y is a strong (optional) supermartingale if the following assertions hold:

  1. Y τ is integrable for all τ 𝒯 0 , T .

  2. Y S E [ Y τ | S ] a.s., for all S , τ 𝒯 0 , T such that S τ a.s.

We recall the change of variables formula for optional semimartingales which are not necessarily right continuous. The result can be seen as a generalization of the classical Itô formula and can be found in [14, Theorem 8.2] (see also [24, Section 3, p. 538]). We recall the result in our framework in which the underlying filtered probability space satisfies the usual conditions.

Theorem A.3 (Gal’chouk–Lenglart).

Let n Z + . Let X be an n-dimensional optional semimartingale, that is, X = ( X 1 , , X n ) is an n-dimensional optional process with decomposition

X t k = X 0 k + M t k + A t k + B t k

for all k { 1 , , n } , where M t k is a (càdlàg) local martingale, A t k is a right-continuous process of finite variation such that A 0 = 0 , and B t k is a left-continuous process of finite variation which is purely discontinuous and such that B 0 - = 0 . Let F be a twice continuously differentiable function on R n . Then, almost surely, for all t 0 ,

F ( X t ) = F ( X 0 ) + k = 1 n ] 0 , t ] D k F ( X s - ) d ( M k + A k ) s + 1 2 k , l = 1 n ] 0 , t ] D k D l F ( X s - ) d M k c , M l c s
+ 0 < s t [ F ( X s ) - F ( X s - ) - k = 1 n D k F ( X s - ) Δ X s k ] + k = 1 n [ 0 , t [ D k F ( X s ) d ( B k ) s +
+ 0 s < t [ F ( X s + ) - F ( X s ) - k = 1 n D k F ( X s ) Δ + X s k ] ,

where D k denotes the differentiation operator with respect to the k-th coordinate, and M k c denotes the continuous part of M k .

Corollary A.4.

Let Y be a one-dimensional optional semimartingale with decomposition Y t = Y 0 + M t + A t + B t , where M, A and B are as in the above theorem. Let β > 0 . Then, almost surely, for all t in [ 0 , T ] ,

e β t Y t 2 = Y 0 2 + 0 t β e β s Y s 2 𝑑 s + 2 0 t e β s Y s - d ( A + M ) s + 0 t e β s d M c , M c s
+ 0 < s t e β s ( Y s - Y s - ) 2 + 2 0 t e β s Y s d ( B ) s + + 0 s < t e β s ( Y s + - Y s ) 2 .


For showing the corollary, it suffices to apply the change of variables formula from Theorem A.3 with n = 2 , F ( x , y ) = x y 2 , X t 1 = e β t , and X t 2 = Y t . ∎

Corollary A.5.

Let Y be a one-dimensional optional semimartingale with decomposition Y t = Y 0 + M t + A t + B t , where M, A and B are as in the above theorem. Then, almost surely, for all t in [ 0 , T ] ,

| Y t | 2 + t T 1 { Y s 0 } d M c , M c s + J T + ( 2 ) - J t + ( 2 ) + J T - ( 2 ) - J t - ( 2 )
| Y T | 2 + 2 t T | Y s - | 1 { Y s - 0 } d ( A + M ) s + 2 t s T | Y s | 1 { Y s 0 } ( Y s + - Y s ) ,


J t + ( 2 ) = s < t ( | Y s + | 2 - | Y s | 2 - 2 | Y s | 1 { Y s 0 } ( Y s + - Y s ) )


J t - ( 2 ) = s t ( | Y s | 2 - | Y s - | 2 - 2 | Y s - | 1 { Y s - 0 } ( Y s - Y s - ) )

for all t [ 0 , T ] .


This follows from Theorem A.3 and [22, Corollary 5.5] ∎

Now, let us prove Theorem 3.5.

Proof of Theorem 3.5.

For all S 𝒯 0 , T , we define the family Y ¯ ( S ) by

(A.1) Y ¯ ( S ) = ess sup τ 𝒯 S , T E [ ξ τ + S τ f ( t ) d t | S ] , Y ¯ ( T ) = ξ T .

We put

(A.2) Y ¯ ¯ ( S ) = Y ¯ ( S ) + 0 S f ( t ) d t = ess sup τ 𝒯 S , T E [ ξ τ + 0 τ f ( t ) d t | S ] .

By Proposition 3.4, there exists a làdlàg optional process ( Y t ) t [ 0 , T ] which aggregates the family ( Y ¯ ( S ) ) S 𝒯 0 , T , that is,

(A.3) Y ¯ S = Y ¯ ( S ) a.s. for all  S 𝒯 0 , T .

Step 1: Let us show that Y ¯ S 2 , 0 . By using the definition of Y ¯ , (3.19), Jensen’s inequality and the triangular inequality, we get

| Y ¯ S | ess sup τ 𝒯 S , T E [ | ξ τ | + | S τ f ( t ) d t | | S ] E [ ess sup τ 𝒯 S , T | ξ τ | + 0 T | f ( t ) | d t | S ] .

Thus, we obtain

(A.4) | Y ¯ S | E [ X | S ]


(A.5) X = 0 T | f ( t ) | 𝑑 t + ess sup τ 𝒯 0 , T | ξ τ | .

Applying the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality, we get

(A.6) E [ X 2 ] c T E [ 0 T f ( s ) 2 𝑑 s ] + c | | | ξ | | | 𝕊 2 , 0 2 < ,

where c is a positive constant. Now, inequality (A.4) leads to | Y ¯ S | 2 | E [ X | S ] | 2 . By taking the essential supremum over S 𝒯 0 , T , we get

ess sup S 𝒯 0 , T | Y ¯ S | 2 ess sup S 𝒯 0 , T | E [ X | S ] | 2 .

By using [15, Proposition A.3], we get

ess sup S 𝒯 0 , T | Y ¯ S | 2 sup t [ 0 , T ] | E [ X | t ] | 2 .

By using this inequality and Doob’s martingale inequalities, we obtain

(A.7) E [ ess sup S 𝒯 0 , T | Y ¯ S | 2 ] E [ sup t [ 0 , T ] | E [ X | t ] | 2 ] c E [ X 2 ] ,

where c is a positive constant that changes from line to line. Finally, combining inequalities (A.6) and (A.7), we get

(A.8) E [ ess sup S 𝒯 0 , T | Y ¯ S | 2 ] c T E [ 0 T f ( s ) 2 d s ] + c | | | ξ | | | 𝕊 2 , 0 2 < .

Then Y ¯ S 𝕊 2 , 0 .

Step 2: The existence of Z, A and C. By the previous step and since

E [ 0 T f 2 ( t ) 𝑑 t ] < ,

the strong optional supermartingale Y ¯ ¯ is of class ( D ) . Applying Mertens decomposition (see [15, Theorem A.1]) and a result from optimal stopping theory (see [7, Proposition 2.34. p. 131] or [23]), we have

Y ¯ ¯ τ = M τ - A τ - C τ - for all  τ 𝒯 0 , T .

By (A.2), we obtain

(A.9) Y ¯ τ = - 0 τ f ( t ) 𝑑 t + M τ - A τ - C τ - a.s. for all  τ 𝒯 0 , T ,

where M is a (càdlàg) uniformly integrable martingale such that M 0 = 0 , A is a nondecreasing right-continuous predictable process such that A 0 = 0 , E ( A T ) < and satisfying (3.2), and C is a nondecreasing right-continuous adapted purely discontinuous process such that C 0 - = 0 , E ( C T ) < and satisfying (3.3). By the martingale representation theorem (Lemma 2.3), there exists a unique predictable process Z such that

M t = 0 t 𝒰 Z s ( x ) ( μ - ν ) ( d s , d x ) .

Moreover, we have Y ¯ T = ξ T a.s. by the definition of Y ¯ . Combining this with equation (A.9), we get the equation (3.1). Also, by the definition of Y ¯ , we have Y ¯ S ξ S a.s. for all S 𝒯 0 , T , which, along with Proposition 2.2 (or with [30, Theorem 3.2.]), shows that Y ¯ t ξ t , 0 t T a.s. Finally, to conclude that the process ( Y ¯ , Z , A , C ) is a solution to the reflected BSDE with parameters ( f , ξ ) , it remains to show that

Z × A × C 2 , 0 × 𝕊 2 , 0 × 𝕊 2 , 0 .

Step 3: Let us prove that A × C S 2 , 0 × S 2 , 0 . Let us define the process A ¯ ¯ t = A t + C t - where the processes A and C are given by (A.9). By similar arguments to those used in the proof of inequality (A.4), we see that | Y ¯ ¯ S | E [ X | S ] with

X = 0 T | f ( t ) | 𝑑 t + ess sup τ 𝒯 S , T | ξ τ | .

Then [15, Corollary A.1] ensures the existence of a constant c > 0 such that E [ ( A ¯ ¯ T ) 2 ] c E [ X 2 ] . By combining this inequality with inequality (A.6), we obtain

(A.10) E [ ( A ¯ ¯ T ) 2 ] c T E [ 0 T f ( s ) 2 𝑑 s ] + c | | | ξ | | | 𝕊 2 , 0 2 ,

where we have again allowed the positive constant c to vary from line to line. We conclude that A ¯ ¯ L 2 . According to the nondecreasingness of A ¯ ¯ , we have ( A ¯ ¯ τ ) 2 ( A ¯ ¯ T ) 2 for all τ 𝒯 0 , T . Thus,

E [ ess sup τ 𝒯 0 , T ( A ¯ ¯ τ ) 2 ] E [ ( A ¯ ¯ T ) 2 ] ,

i.e. A ¯ ¯ 𝕊 2 . Then A 𝕊 2 , 0 and C 𝕊 2 , 0 .

Step 4: We now show that Z H 2 , 0 . We have from step 3 that

0 T 𝒰 Z s ( x ) ( μ - ν ) ( d s , d x ) = Y ¯ T + 0 T f ( t ) 𝑑 t + A ¯ ¯ T - Y ¯ 0 ,

where A ¯ ¯ is the process from step 3. Since

A ¯ ¯ T L 2 , Y ¯ T L 2 , Y ¯ 0 L 2 , E [ 0 T f 2 ( t ) 𝑑 t ] < .


0 T 𝒰 Z s ( x ) ( μ - ν ) ( d s , d x ) L 2 ,

and consequently Z 2 , 0 .

For the uniqueness of the solution, suppose that ( Y , Z , A , C ) is a solution of the reflected BSDE with driver f and obstacle ξ. Then, by Lemma 3.3 (applied with f 1 = f 2 = f ), we obtain Y = Y ¯ in 𝕊 2 , 0 , where Y ¯ is given by (A.1). The uniqueness of A, C and Z follows from the uniqueness of the Mertens decomposition of strong optional supermartingales and from the uniqueness of the martingale representation (Lemma 2.3). ∎


We would like to thank the editor for carefully handling the paper, and the anonymous referees for their valuable comments and suggestions for improving the quality of this work.


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Received: 2022-02-16
Accepted: 2023-04-15
Published Online: 2023-10-27
Published in Print: 2023-12-01

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