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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter May 16, 2022

Boosted dopamine and blunted serotonin in Tourette syndrome – evidence from in vivo imaging studies

  • Susanne Nikolaus ORCID logo EMAIL logo , Eduards Mamlins , Christina Antke , Mardjan Dabir , Hans-Wilhelm Müller and Frederik L. Giesel


The precise cortical and subcortical mechanisms of Tourette syndrome (TS) are still not fully understood. In the present retrospective analysis, adolescent and adult medication-naïve patients showed increased DA transporter (DAT) binding in nucleus caudate (CAUD), putamen (PUT) and/or whole neostriatum (NSTR). D2 receptor (R) binding and DA release were not different from controls throughout the nigrostriatal and mesolimbocortical system. When patients were medication-free (either medication-naïve or under withdrawal), DAT was still increased in PUT, but not different from controls in CAUD, NSTR and ventral striatum (VSTR). SERT was unaltered in midbrain/pons (MP), but decreased in PUT, thalamus (THAL) and hypothalamus. D2R was unaltered throughout the nigrostriatal and mesolimbocortical system, while DA release was not different from controls in PUT, CAUD and NSTR, but elevated in VSTR. 5-HT2AR binding was unaltered in neocortex and cingulate. In acutely medicated adults, DAT was unaltered in PUT, but still increased in CAUD, whereas DA release remained unaltered throughout the nigrostriatal and mesolimbocortical system. When part of the patients was acutely medicated, vesicular monoamine transporter (VMAT2), DAT, SERT and DA synthesis were not different from controls in striatal regions, whereas D2R was decreased in NSTR, THAL, frontal cortex and limbic regions. Conversely, 5-HT2AR binding was unaltered in striatal regions and THAL, but increased in neocortical and limbic areas. It may be hypothesized that both the DA surplus and the 5-HT shortage in key regions of the nigrostriatal and mesolimbic system are relevant for the bouts of motor activity and the deficiencies in inpulse control.

Corresponding author: Susanne Nikolaus, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Medical Faculty and University Hospital Düsseldorf, Heinrich-Heine University, Moorenstr. 5, 40225, Düsseldorf, Germany, E-mail:
H. W. Müller and F. L. Giesel share senior author status.
  1. Author contributions: All the authors have accepted responsibility for the entire content of this submitted manuscript and approved submission.

  2. Research funding: None declared.

  3. Conflict of interest statement: The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding this article.


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Received: 2022-04-04
Accepted: 2022-04-12
Published Online: 2022-05-16
Published in Print: 2022-12-16

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